Thursday, July 14, 2011

Intro to my blogging style

Every now and then, I feel the need to express myself in a way that isn't necessarily considered "Socially acceptable".....but because choking people until they pass out and then doing inexplicable things to them until they wake up and repeating....well, that just isn't nice.....I have decided I will join the blogging craze.  Yep, me.  

Now, I don't guarantee to be nice.  In fact, sometimes, I'll be downright mean, but this blog will hopefully help me explain some of my life and why at times, life just sucks, and what parts of my life suck more (and less) than others.

For those of you just stumbling across my blog in cyberspace, you may be wondering who I am.  Well, first of all, if you don't know me, I'm a little on the strange side, and I have had some really cool and awesome things in my life, but then I've also had some of the most surreal strange, almost fictional things in my life, too.

In fact, a lot of my current life's thoughts are spent on trying to figure out just what the heck has happened in my past.   Once again, reason for this blog.

You will find out pretty soon that I like telling stories.  I will tell you when these stories are true to the best of my recollection, and I will tell you when they are stories I've heard from somewhere else, or if I'm just pullin' something out of my keister just to do it.  

I do tend to have run-on thoughts and sentences, but flat out grammar issues drive me insane.  If you see gross errors, please let me know.  If I catch them myself, I will wonder how long they were out there....kinda like when you look in the mirror and see that big'ol booger out your nose and you're wondering how long it was there?  Yep, like that.

Hopefully, people read this and I hope I provide laughter and even a "whoa, thank God that's not me" approach to life.  However, I will warn you...if I vent and something I say offends you, then please consider not reading my blog again.  I have a few pet peeves, and one of them is when people CHOOSE to read something I've written and then tell me I shouldn't have said/written that.  That being said, I will try to place warnings on my blog entries that have anything on them that would scar young eyes.  And I do have to considerate of that, since I have a young reader who looks over my shoulder and starts reading along with me, complete with "Momma, what does xxxxxxxxxx mean?"  If I wouldn't want my child to read it, I'll try and post a warning on the title before you waste time reading it yourself.

As for my life and my children....I will refer to my children by letters only.  If you're reading this and want to respond, please do in same.  No, I haven't labeled them "ABC"...I will use the first letter of their name, unless I am changing their identity to protect a guilty party.  If this occurs, I will say "one of my children" or DD (Dear Daughter) or DSD (Dear Stepdaughter).  I tend to use a lot of abbreviations, basically because I have been involved in computer forums for waaaaaay too long and don't have time to type everything out, so I skip steps....and sometimes just because I forget.  If I use a term you don't know, and you want to know, drop me a line and I'll fix it.

One more thing.  I have chosen to moderate this blog.  My thoughts are my own.  Your opinions are yours' and are valid....but this blog is MY little corner of the universe and I will control it the way I want......BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Your comments go here. They are moderated. Your opinions are yours', but this blog is mine. My own little piece of control. Thanks!