Friday, July 15, 2011

Breathtaking E moment

My E is 4 years old.  I have very precocious kids anyhow.  Seriously.  My kids crack me up.  I don't have any idea where they come up with the stuff they do.

Our family watches "Wipeout"'s one of our favorite ever...this is a conversation at our house the other day:

E: Dad, wouldn't it be funny if they put sharks in the water in "Wipeout" and the sharks ate the people that fell in?
(yipes, right?)

Well, yesterday, we were watching "Wipeout" and they did have sharks in the water...fake ones.  Here's the convo:
Hubs: see, E...they have sharks now on "Wipeout"
E: But, they're not real sharks, just rubber ones...what good does THAT do?!
(yipes, again, right?)

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