Thursday, July 14, 2011

I am a documented klutz!

No really!  I am like, I think, the only person I can think of who is klutzy enough to work mostly from home, and yet still have to fill out a first report of injury.
Moral of this story....don't trust a chair.  I know...we tell our kids and others that chairs can be trusted to hold our weight because that's what they do.  I've even used that example to talk about how we can have faith that God will do what He says just as we have faith that a chair will hold us up.  Hmmm...gotta change that analogy up a little.
I was at a home visit and about completed with it and went to adjust my weight/pull myself up and had one of those time/space continuum know? Where everything goes still and you can feel yourself falling and there's nothing you can do.  Um, yeah.

Now my legs, arms, neck, and ass hurt. I reported it in case I need extra support tomorrow...but today I was just embarrassed as hell.  Made some joke that this is God's sign I need to stop eating as much. Let's hope my embarrassment is the worst thing that I suffer from this situation.

After waking up this morning from my fall yesterday, it has dawned on me that utilizing the chair example is trite and could have hurt people, so I'm apologizing to everyone I randomly said "have faith in God like a chair can hold you" I will doubt chairs as I sit in them....and I realize, truly realize that faith in God is not as easy especially if you've been let down before.....God can be trusted, but people will let you down.  And once you've had too many people hurt you, it's hard to trust or believe that God won't do the same.  Just like from now on, you can bet I'm moving around on chairs to make sure they will hold me and not splinter underneath me.


  1. You could have had an experience like I had with a chair my Junior year of high school.

    I was late getting to Yearbook class...see where this is going yet?

    So because I was late I missed the opening warning about such and such chair being broke & not to use it.

    I slide into class, no big deal, basically a goof off type of class anyways, except when deadlines are upon us & I sit in the chair that was at the table that I normally sit at.

    Then the legs go completely flat to the floor.

    and there I sat, in the floor, laughing out of embarrassment.

    And this is Yearbook class

    So OF COURSE someone has a camera

    And OF COURSE that picture makes the yearbook. Front and center of one of the big photo spreads.

    My broken chair incident is completely documented forever and was shared throughout the school system.

    yay Stephi.

  2. And I jumped the gun on finishing my comment...

    I love your analogy about the chair and God.


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