Monday, October 3, 2011

And then...the moments that take your breath away....

...when your 5 and 6 year old go racing through the house singing at the top of their lungs "you get knocked up, you get back up may be knocked up but not there forever".... praying to ask Jesus to forgive them for being mean to sister...."and Jesus help me to....K..shut UP, I'm talking to Jesus about you!"

...on a 3 hour trip....E: we there yet? Me: no.  E: okay, I'll be patient.  ONE minute later E: we there yet?

B in homeschooling the kids is teaching them Bible verses and concepts....In Ephesians, it talks about honoring your parents.  The kids HAVE that concept down, that they're supposed to TRY and do that.  What they REALLY understand is the next part....Father's don't exasperate your children....K last night "but you DO THAT all the time, daddy" we're having to tune that concept up again in that repeatedly asking for obedience and causing frustration is NOT exasperation! the end of a rough day...E: I love you mommy.  And of course, I forgot to say it.  E:  MOMMY, I SAID I LOVE YOU, are you forgetting something?.  So I say "I love you, too darlin'."  She gets me EVERY TIME...E: I love you mostest, but guess who loves you more than me?  Thaaaaaaaaat's right momma...Jesus does, and don't you forget it!

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