is very strange if you only have YOUR views and only listen to or appreciate the views that agree with you.
I must admit I didn't watch the debates the other day. I tend to believe that politicians will say anything and everything to get elected and then get amnesia the very first day of office. The irony about the debates is still bugging me and then more things added up since then, so of course I'm going to blog about it.
There were some inflammatory comments at the "main" debate--surprise, surprise. What I'm cracking up about is that the people who are yelling the loudest about the inflammatory comments are the ones who have said the very same type of comments about the commentator. So, let me get it's okay to say hateful things if YOU'RE the one saying them, but if someone who you don't even LIKE or agree with says similar, an apology is required to the SAME person you were just talking smack about the other day?!
Oh, you make me laugh! A while ago, I apparently pissed some people off because I stood up for someone who made some mistakes but didn't need to be bullied nearly as much as a group of adult women were bullying. As a result, some people whom I had supported in doing good things got mad at me and *oh the horror* BLOCKED me on facebook! Ack! I cried for days! Um, yeah, noooo...*NEWSFLASH*--high school ended years ago. What truly cracks me up is that today, I noticed one of these people commenting on a mutual friend's facebook...which means....oh goody!! I'm no longer "blocked". Life is now worth living. Now, off to block her! You see how it works? And, yes, I am using humor to drive in a point.
More irony...I try and live my life the way I should. I slip. I'm not perfect. But if you know me, you know 9 times out of 10, I will step up for the "little guy" and try and make sure justice is done as much as possible. I used to be involved in a lot of fundraising for people in need, but I have little tolerance for people who need help turning around and then being rude and mean. And, yes, I called someone on it. Go figure, I helped raise over $2000 between fundraisers and personal gifts to her and her family, I thought I could ask her why she thought she should be throwing stones when living in a glass house. You got it. BUHLOCKED!!! And there was an awesome haters club for a while. I almost joined under a pseudonym. But guess what? Irony hit again...because when I got sick and my family needed help, I didn't have to ASK for a fundraiser like she/they did. God and my awesome friends took care of me. Because, to quote an awesome literary genius *eyes rolling* "haters gonna hate, hate, hate hate hate....but I'm just gonna shake shake shake...shake it off".
And the irony of this post? Anyone who REALLY knows me knows that I hate it when people hate on me and my family and I DO lose sleep when I can't figure out what I've done to draw the hateraid. I've lived knowing someone I put YEARS of time and effort into has hurt me and my family by words and actions for a long time. I know what is being said about me...I know what is being told to friends about me and people I love. And it hurts. Bad.
So the irony is...these "petty" issues don't even bug me all that much in comparison to giving almost everything I have and love to try and save someone, and yeah, the irony is...I can save people I don't even know, and lose the one I needed to save the most.
So there it is....and one of the main reason I say Life Inhales.